Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Night at the Mueseum

With my grandson, I watched the commercials for the new Ben Stiller movie, "Night at the Museum." It looked good, I bought it when it came out on DVD, and we have watched it a trillion times! (Dumdum, I want gumgum!!) Anyway, Noel and I went to Best Buys to scout out new cameras (more about that later this week). There was a life-size poster display advertising the movie/DVD. When Noel saw it, he said, "Grammy, we've got to go to the museum! My first thoughts were h-m-m, it's four hours to Chicago, 2 hours to Detroit, we only have an hour and one-half, how are we going to do it?! Then I remembered the MSU Museum. Not sure if it was even open, we adventured on campus the day of MSU spring graduation. The Museum was open, free and with very few visitors. I don't know which of us had a better time. I was stunned at the impact the movie had on him that neither his parents nor I picked up at home. In each room we visited, he would hold up his hand and say, "Stop, Grammy. Be careful of the animals. " In the rooms with the big dinosaur and tiger exhibits, we skirted past the doorway--because he was afraid that they would walk. So, was the amusement of the video overshadowed by a new fear that all of these museum animals and people could come to life?

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