In spite of unbelievable grief and sadness, my sister and brother-in-law welcomed family and friends into their home this weekend to remember and celebrate Noel Christopher Rogers. My sisters and I are all the mothers of "only children." Thanks to our parents, our children became like brothers and sister. My parents took all three kids on many road trips around the country, starting when they were only toddlers. Because Beth was born so prematurely (28 weeks gestation) and was in the hospital for so long, Mom and Dad would bring Kyle and Noel to the hospital to visit. Even though they were only pushing 4 years old, every time they came they would tell the nurses that they were 12 years old so they could visit. The nurses would wink and smile and welcome them and the boys would giggle, thinking they really got away with something big. Beth's pediatrician was Dr. Knickerbocker. The mere pronunciation of his name would send them into fits of laughter. As she grew and became interested in cabbage patch dolls, they would torment her by drawing "boobies" on her dolls. Beth looked up to Noel as her big brother and friend.
Godspeed, Noel.
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