When I began working in the PACU (the first time), Ruth Fast was an LPN who had years of experience in the PACU. As the only LPN working with an otherwise all RN staff, she held her own in many ways. She took no crap from anyone, knew everything about everything and felt very comfortable putting physicians in their place. This rough exterior masked a heart of gold. The year my daughter was born prematurely, Ruth wanted to help and brought us the biggest tray of Christmas cookies I have ever seen. Of all the beautifully decorated and tasty cookies I have had over the years, her tray of cookies stands out by far for both the look and the taste. My very favorites then and now are rum balls. The recipe goes like this: 3 cups of crushed vanilla wafers, 1 cup finely chopped pecans, 1/4 cup Hershey cocoa, 2 cups powdered sugar, 1/2 cup rum, 1/4 cup light corn syrup. Crush the vanilla wafers and mix with the pecans, powdered sugar and cocoa. Stir to mix thoroughly. Add the rum and corn syrup and stir until all dry ingredients are incorporated. Do not make more than two batches together as the ingredients become to hard to manage (heavy to turn with a spoon and too thick for most mixers). Roll the "batter" into 1-inch diameter balls, roll in granulated sugar and age. These cookies taste better after 3-5 days of "setting" in an airtight container. Ruth Fast retired more than 15 years ago and recently passed away. There is not a Christmas that goes by that I do not think of her, her kindness and her rum balls! My grandson thinks they are pretty darn good, too!
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